Sick Child Policy
Managing Children who are sick, infectious or with Allergies Policy
Safeguarding and Welfare Requirement: Health-The provider must promote the good health of children attending the setting. They must have a procedure, discussed with parents and/or carers, for responding to children who are ill or infectious, take necessary steps to prevent the spread of infection, and take appropriate action if children are ill.
Policy statement
We aim to provide care for healthy children through preventing cross infection of viruses and bacterial infections and promote health through identifying allergies and preventing contact with the allergenic trigger.
Procedures for children who are sick or infectious
If children appear unwell during the day – for example, if they have a temperature, sickness, diarrhoea or pains, particularly in the head or stomach – a member of staff will call the parents and ask them to collect the child, or to send an authorised carer to collect the child on their behalf.
If a child has a temperature, they are kept cool, by appropriate methods – e.g., removing clothing, etc. until collected.
If we believe a child has a temperature, we will take the child’s temperature using an Infrared ear/forehead thermometer, kept in the first aid box - having sought the child’s permission first [should the child refuse we will go straight to contacting the parent], before contacting the parent.
In extreme cases of emergency, an ambulance is called, and the parent informed.
Parents may be asked to take their child to the doctor before returning them to the setting if appropriate; we can refuse admittance to children who have a temperature, sickness and diarrhoea or a contagious infection or disease.
After vomiting and/or diarrhoea, we ask parents keep children home for 48 hours following the last episode.
Some activities, where there is a risk of cross-contamination may be suspended for the duration of any outbreak.
We have a list of excludable diseases, current exclusion times and includes common childhood illnesses such as measles[chicken pox, Hand, foot and mouth, etc] that we refer to for guidance.
If we become aware, or are formally informed of a notifiable disease [under the Health Protection regulation from GP/parent] the manager will inform Ofsted and if not already notified by the GP will contact Public Health England, and act on any advice given.
Nits and head lice
Nits and head lice are not an excludable condition; although in exceptional cases we may ask a parent to keep the child away until they have been completely treated and infestation has cleared.
On identifying cases of head lice, we will inform all parents ask them to treat their child and all the family if they are found to have head lice
If parents/carers refuse/do not treat this condition repeatedly a log of concern will be made to the designated safeguarding lead within the setting as per Child protection procedures.
Conjunctivitis is not an excludable condition; due to the infectiousness and ease of spreading in an early year’s environment where children do not have the autonomy to maintain sufficient levels of hygiene to prevent spread. We therefore ask parents/carers to keep their child at home for a minimum of 2 days/until the eye is no longer red and weeping or after treatment from a pharmacist/GP.
Procedures for children with allergies
When children start at the setting, we ask their parents if their child suffers from any known allergies. This is recorded on the Registration Form
If a child has an allergy, we complete an allergy form to detail the following:
The allergen (i.e. the substance, material or living creature the child is allergic to such as nuts, eggs, bee stings, cats, pollen etc).
The nature of the allergic reactions/symptoms (e.g. anaphylactic shock reaction, including rash, reddening of skin, swelling, breathing problems etc).
What to do in case of allergic reactions, any medication used and how it is to be used (e.g. EpiPen, piriton).
Control measures - such as how the child can be prevented from contact with the allergen.
This assessment form is kept in the child’s personal file and the details are added to the health notices displayed where staff can see it.
If applicable a health care plan will also be completed.
Generally, no nuts are used within the setting.
Parents are made aware so that no nut or nut products are accidentally brought in, for example to Christmas party or in lunch boxes
Oral medication:
At all times we ensure that the administration of medication is compliant with the Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Asthma inhalers are now regarded as ‘oral medication’. ALL Oral medications must be prescribed by a GP.
If a child suffers from Asthma parents must record this information on the Registration form.
They are then required to complete an Asthma form detailing the following:
If the inhaler is to be kept at playgroup at all times.
Trigger factors that may result in the need of the inhaler
Symptoms to look out for
Dosage required
Information on how to administer inhaler – spacer needed?
Any other relevant info
If medication is required it must be prescribed by a GP in it’s original packaging complete with instructions on how to administer such medication. Except medication for treatment of allergy symptoms [such as piriton]
We adhere to all instructions for the correct storage and administration of the medication.
We must have the parents or guardians’ prior written consent. This consent must be kept on file.
A Medications record form must be completed containing the following details:
GP name
Medication name
Expiry date
Method of administration
Previous doses given/time and quantity
Circumstances in which it should be administered [if emergency meds or for allergies]
Where children have been prescribed antibiotics for an illness or complaint, we ask parents to keep them at home for 48 hours before returning to the setting to ensure no reaction to the antibiotics.
Life-saving medication and invasive treatments:
These include adrenaline injections (EpiPen) for anaphylactic shock reactions (caused by allergies to nuts, eggs etc)
We will ensure:
We have a letter from the child's GP/consultant stating the child's condition and what medication if any is to be administered.
written consent from the parent or guardian allowing the child’s key person/manager to administer medication; and have received training in the administration of such medication by the child's GP, a district nurse, children’s nurse specialist or a community paediatric nurse.
Our insurers will be notified and any requests from them will be fulfilled.
Treatments, such as inhalers or EpiPen’s are immediately accessible in an emergency.
Key person for special needs children requiring assistance with tubes to help them with everyday living e.g. breathing apparatus, to take nourishment etc.:
The key person/manager/deputy must have the relevant medical training/experience, which may include receiving appropriate instructions from parents or guardians/district nurses, diabetic nurse or other relevant agencies – in accordance with instructions from our insurers.
Prior written consent must be obtained from the child's parent or guardian to give treatment and/or medication prescribed by the child's GP.
Relevant Care plans must be in place in consultation with appropriate outside agencies involved in the child’s care e.g., district nurse team, consultants, GP’s etc.
Paracetamol based medicines (e.g. Calpol)
The use of paracetamol-based medicine is not used within our setting. A setting cannot take bottles of non-prescription medicine from parents to hold on a ‘just in case’ basis. Settings do not keep such medicine on the premises as they are not allowed to ‘prescribe’. Such medicine should never be used to reduce temperature/control illness so that a child can stay in the care of the setting for a normal day. A child over two who is not well, and has a temperature, must be kept cool and the parents asked to collect straight away.
Whilst the brand name Calpol is referenced, there are other products which are paracetamol or Ibuprofen based pain and fever relief such as Nurofen for children over 3 months.