Present: Des Merrill (Chair), Phil Race (Treasurer), Poppy Walker (VMC1 member), Holding Trustees Diane Taylor and Ronnie Thornton, Staff members Cindy Coppen, Mandy Thomas, Deborah Paul, Toni Tompkins and Karen Jackson, Sharon Peer (Playgroup administrator), Heather Pearson, Tom Pearson, Elizabeth Ferreira, Cheryl Young, Natalie Follenfant, Danielle King
Minutes recorded by Poppy Walker
1 Chairman’s welcome Des Merrill thanked all those in attendance.
2 Apologies Apologies were noted on behalf of Jane Murray (VMC member) and Viv Cottam (Holding Trustee).
3 Approval of minutes from the AGM held on 11th July 2017 It was noted that the minutes have been available on the Playgroup website for all interested parties to read. No comments were made by attendees and the minutes were signed as a true and correct record of the last AGM.
4 Matters Arising No matters were raised for discussion.
5 Holding Trustees’ Report (attached)
The report was read by Diane Taylor, proposed by Mandy Thomas and seconded by Deborah Paul and therefore adopted.
An extensive redecoration project was undertaken during the summer holidays.
The Holding Trustees may consider replacing the flooring next year
It is acknowledged that there continues to be an issue with inadequate lighting but that due to the prohibitive cost of resolving the problem it will not be pursued at this point.
A special thank you to Liz Bull was noted for her long service as manager of the playgroup. The Holding Trustees also noted the efforts made by Cindy Coppen and all other staff members who worked hard to cover Liz’s sick leave in the period preceding her departure from Playgroup.
6 Manager’s Report (attached)
The report was read by Cindy Coppen who is currently deputising as Playgroup Manager. It was noted that Liz Bull, previous Manager, had compiled the report. The report was proposed by Sharon Peer, seconded by Toni Tomkins and therefore adopted.
A successful year at Playgroup was reported with new families joining and regular new enquiries. It was noted that staff members have worked tirelessly despite a growing workload. Special mention was made of Sharon Peer who works very hard behind the scenes to keep Playgroup running smoothly.
The annual trike ride raised £600 in sponsorship which will be used to purchase new toys.
Funds were received from Blues and Soul and used to purchase a mud kitchen.
The children have enjoyed the toadstools that have been installed in the garden. Over the next year the aspiration is to further develop the wild area in the garden.
A special thank you was noted in the report to Viv Cottam for her help with staff appraisals, to Michyla Castle as outgoing secretary of the VMC and to all other Holding Trustees and members of the VMC. Staff members praised Acting Manager Cindy Coppen for her hard work and leadership during the transition period between permanent managers. 7 Treasurer’s Report and Presentation of Accounts (attached) The report and annual audited accounts to 31st March 2018 were compiled and presented by Phil Race, Treasurer. The report was proposed by Phil Race, seconded by Mandy Thomas and therefore adopted.
The accounts to 31st March 2018 show a profit of £20,818, which is an increase compared to the previous year
Income has increased by 13% and this can be explained by an increase in the hourly rate charged and increased grant income. Costs have increased by 8%.
Staff costs have increased by 4% but remain within the budget set.
The budget for the forthcoming year will be prepared soon and it is hoped that this will show a further profit.
There are currently 36 children in the Playgroup and it is expected that this figure will increase as the year goes on.
The Treasurer noted his thanks to all the Playgroup staff including Sharon Peer who works tirelessly alongside him.
8 Chairman’s Report (attached) The report was compiled and presented by Des Merrill, Chairman. The report was proposed by Deb Paul, seconded by Toni Tomkins and therefore adopted.
The new Government Grant funding came into force this past year and as a result the Playgroup has benefited from additional funding.
The GDPR legislation has meant that some new policies were required, and some existing policies were amended to ensure they were compliant.
The Holding Trustees oversaw a major painting and decorating project over the summer holidays. The building is now much improved.
Liz Bull, the manager of over 20 years, left Playgroup in July. The committee has worked hard behind the scenes to prepare for the recruitment of a new manager to begin in July 2019. Cindy Coppen will perform the role of Acting Manager until January 2019.
A special thank you was noted to the Holding Trustees for their work over the past year and to Sharon Peer whose workload has increased dramatically over the past few months. He also formally noted his thanks to the departing members of the VMC, Michyla Castle and Faith Bickerdike for their valued contribution. He noted the hard work of the Playgroup staff in ensuring that the very high standards of Playgroup are maintained. He made special mention of Liz Bull and the outstanding contribution that she made to Playgroup over the past 20 years and wished her the very best for the future.
9 Resignation of current VMC Michyla Castle and Faith Bickerdike resigned from the VMC having completed two years on the committee.
10 Election of VMC (a) Chairman Des Merrill agreed to stay on as Chairman of the VMC for one final year. This was proposed by Toni Tomkins and seconded by Sharon Peer. (b) Secretary It was noted that a new secretary had not yet been identified but that Elizabeth Ferreira had agreed to consider the position. (c) Treasurer Phil Race agreed to stay on as Treasurer of the VMC. This was proposed by Des Merrill and seconded by Deb Paul.
11 Current VMC willing to stay and election of new members Poppy Walker confirmed she is willing to stay as a member of the VMC. Jane Murray agreed to stay on as a member of the VMC until December at which point she will stand down and a new member will be needed. Elizabeth Ferreira and Cheryl Young were proposed as new members of the VMC and the proposals were adopted.
12 AOB A thank you was noted to Natalie Follenfant for helping with staff cover. Phil Race noted that the funds raised by children and parents at the annual trike ride and Easter event will be spent on new equipment for the children.