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Welcome to
Great Gransden
Pre-School Playgroup

Great Gransden Playgroup has been running for over 30 years, previously being based in an a mobile within the grounds of our local primary school. We now have a fantastic purpose-built building, thanks to a successful lottery bid in 2003.

Sessions & Fees
Term Dates
Download our brochure for more information
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A happy and relaxed atmosphere
Develop confidence, independence and friendships

The Pre-School has a team of staff who have worked together for many years to create a happy and relaxed atmosphere for the children to play and learn, offering a wide range of quality resources with the aim to foster and develop confidence, independence and friendships with their peers.

We have an amazing garden where we plant our own vegetables and flowers and grow fruit for our snack. Our large playground has a range of equipment to help develop gross motor skills – the trim trail is particularly popular as is the large covered sandpit.

We take children from two years of age. Our Pre-school operates during term times between 9am-3pm offering morning and afternoon sessions from 2½ hours up to all day.

A happy and relaxed atmosphere

Our admissions are by date of birth with children coming from the surrounding towns and villages. We have up to 36 children attending our morning sessions and up to 24 for our afternoon sessions.

On our recent Ofsted inspection May 2022 we were awarded the outcome: ‘Outstanding’’ for the third time. See report.

We accept nursery grants both 15 and 30 hours [subject to eligibility see childcare choices website via our parents page], various childcare vouchers and are registered to take funded two's  (please contact our administrator for more details or advice)

We encourage Parental involvement – volunteering as a parent helper in session, helping at events or maybe offering your expertise or joining the committee. We appreciate that not everyone can come into the setting on a regular basis; [there are many other things that you can help with please ask] we also keep in touch through e-mails, phone calls and Notes to Home/notes from home or by adding observations and photos on your child's Tapestry learning journal

Our Ethos, Aims & Vision

At Great Gransden Pre-School Playgroup we have a nurturing and inspiring environment, where the children feel physically and emotionally safe, where they can thrive whilst following their interests as our team provide the resources, equipment, knowledge and skills to support their learning. We know that Children learn best through play when they are thoroughly engaged in their activities and that they should have access to the outdoors all year round where they can explore and enjoy the environment in which we live and all that it has to offer.

We aim to build close and supportive relationship with the children and their families, working together to meet the needs of the individual as we believe and respect that every child is unique and should be valued as such.

Our Vision is for our children to be happy, independent, curious, to experience wonder and awe and to instil a lifelong love of learning. 



Our Cooking Recipes

We aim to bake twice each half term, usually one savoury and one sweet recipe.

The children take turns to do their cooking activity over the course of a week. Please feel free to ask which day your child will be cooking.

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